Sunday, April 24, 2005

ice hockey (- u what??)

since the first week ive been here, every few weeks or so my room mate mike would dissapear off to matula in the north of the country to play ice hockey.

for a rediculous reason there is only one ice rink in israel and it is in the most irrelevent difficult to get to place in the country. mikes team, lod are the best team in the (5 or 6 teaM) LEAGUE.

so last week, the last game of the season i went up to metula to watch a game. ive never seen ice hockey before but what a crazy game. there was this one guy who played for the opposition team, metula, whos american and is on a year off before university. as it was the last game about 40 of his mates came to watch him so he played up to crowd and started loads of fights. which apparently is normal in hockey.

what wasnt normal was at the start of the third period (theres 3 20 minute periods) avishai, mikes american mate who we stayed at after the game, got hit in the hand. he chased after the bloke, tried to beat him up and started a massive bundle. when the ref tried to get involved and stop the fight one of the metula guys hit him over the head with his hockey stick and cut his head open forcing him to stop the game (see pic above).

afterwards we all went to the local pizza place and drank the traditional league clinching celebratory drinks of five bottles of vodka and alitre of wiskey. good fun had by all.

i know ive been a bit rubbish with the blog.

wanted to say to u all CHAG SAMEACH< happy pesach.
first time ive ever been out of the uk and away from my family for pesach.
im going to ivor and miriam for seder tonight. ill write all about it tommorrow.


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